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Covid Policies




  • Face covering must be worn while entering/exiting building and in waiting areas and restrooms.

  • Gymnasts and coaches will wear their masks during class. If a gymnast enters without a mask they will be given a disposable one, we ask for your help to please have the gymnasts remember their own mask. 

  • All entering building will be required not: to have a fever, cough, wheezing, cold, diarrhea, vomiting,          pinkeye or any other communicable virus symptoms currently or in the past 24 hours.

  • We will no longer take temperatures.

  • Hands and feet will be washed/sanitized upon entering facility & regular intervals.

  • Physical distancing while in building is required.

  • Parents are to drop off/pickup child at the door & should not enter unless signed up for viewing or               need to speak to someone/make payment at desk.


Building Cleanliness

  • Continue to disinfect and sanitize entire facility/workspaces every evening as well as after classes                 throughout the day.

  • Doors that can be propped open will be. Door handles will be wiped and cleaned after uses.

  • Hand Sanitizer stations throughout building accessible and monitored for refill.

  • Drinking fountains will be closed and students encouraged to bring water bottles.

  • One person at a time will be allowed in bathrooms which will be cleaned regularly.



Traffic Flow

  • Drop Off/Pick Up encouraged; No more than 1 adult per athlete in the building with limited/no onsite             viewing.

  • Everyone will use the designated entrance to the building to control traffic flow.

  • While in the building physical distancing will be complied to using 6’ markings inside/outside                              building.

  • All are required to comply with signage regarding distancing/traffic patterns.

  • Everyone will use the designated exit from the building to control flow. No early entry or delayed                    departure.

  • Do not get out of your car in the circle.  If you need to get out to assist your child in or out of the car,                please park & walk to the door.



During Practice

  • Athletes should come dressed for practice and have their own backpack or drawstring bag to carry                all gear including shoes with them during practice.

  • Coaches will remind athletes of proper hygiene, hand washing and social distance recommendations.

  • Stations and activities will be modified to allow safe distance between athletes.

  • Employees will clean and disinfect training areas throughout the day.



Backpacks / Gym Bags:

  • All gymnasts will be required to bring a backpack / gym bag with name clearly labeled, that will be                 able to hold all of their personal items. This will stay with them throughout class. There are a                   limited amount of gymnastics cinch bags with water bottles available for $5.

  • These bags are for:
    ----Personal hand sanitizer
    --- Water bottle
    ----A few band-aids
    ----A plastic bag to put shoes in
    ----Any other item a child may need during class (inhalers, pre-wrap, tape)



ASSUMPTION OF RISK: You agree that you have read and understand the above precautions being taken by Gymnastics Unlimited.  You choose to accept the risk of contracting any communicable virus for yourself and/or your child(ren)in order to take classes at Gymnastics Unlimited. You acknowledge the procedures Gymnastics Unlimited has set into place and are willing to accept being exposed, possibly contracting and/or spreading any communicable illness in order to use Gymnastics Unlimited’s premises in person.

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