Welcome to Gymnastics Unlimited!
716 677-0338
70 Weiss Avenue
West Seneca, NY 14224
Open Workout Rules
At this point you should be signed in at the front desk & have a # on your hand.
We need the parent’s cell phone # on the sheet in case of an emergency.
When Open Workout is called out at 7:15 pm, you must stay on the blue floor to warm-up and listen to the rules. Once the rules are read and everyone understands them, then you may go on the equipment.
NO running through the gym! Always walk so that you stay safe! There are many uneven surfaces throughout the gym that you could trip over and hurt yourself. ALWAYS walk around the floor area so you don’t get hit by anyone tumbling on floor or Tumble Track. Please walk through the gym and keep your eyes open to avoid any injuries.
NO gum, candy or drinks out in the gym. That means all food and drinks should stay up front in your cubby. If you are chewing gum when you come in, throw it out immediately before you sign in.
NO physical contact with other members (i.e. Pushing, Holing hands, punching, kicking, etc.) Keep your hands/ body to yourself. If we catch any of this happening you will immediately be sent up front to call your parents and you will NOT be welcome back. It will be at G. U.’s digression when you will be allowed back to future Open Workouts.
ONE person at a time on any piece of equipment, especially the trampolines! Walk onto the trampolines and “freeze” stop bouncing first then walk off. You always want to be in control when jumping. If you fall backwards, hug yourself and do a “safety fall”. Never put your arms back to stop your fall.
Do NOT enter the pit until it is clear. The person must be completely out of the pit before jumping in or going onto the bar. Always jump in feet first, never on your head or belly.
When taking a turn down the Tumble Track, it is like a one way street. ONLY jump down towards the pits, and then WALK back on yellow.
NO flipping unless one of the coaches gives you the OK every week.
If you do get injured or see rules being broke, find the nearest coach and tell them. They will help you with whatever you need. The coaches are here to make sure everyone stays safe.
At the end of Open Workout, throw out all garbage from inside the cubbies and on the floor even if it isn’t yours. You MUST wait INSIDE the building until your parent is here to pick you up. You cannot leave the building without a parent EVER!
It is understood that these rules are accepted and will be adhered to when payment is made for Open Workout. It is the parents’ responsibility to read these rules and be sure their child understands them. If the above rules are not followed the child will call their parent and wait behind the desk for the parent to pick them up. If an incident occurs again, the child will not be welcome back to Open Workout at Gymnastics Unlimited. This is for the safety of everyone in the gym. There will be no refund for early pick up.